
Showing posts from August, 2013

How to... (New Page)

These will be small chapters that revolve around different characters and what they can do with their powers.

The Convertible Jump

Tom was sat in the back of his family's convertible with the roof down when he noticed the people in the car behind him. They'd been following him for the last half an hour, and so Tom had begun to look at the followers in more detail. The driver was mostly human with the exception of his eyes which made Tom feel uneasy because he felt that they were looking straight into his soul; the man in the passenger seat had his tongue wiping around and licking his lips, and he was using his extremely pointy tail as a warning; the third man in the backseat was almost completely reptilian in appearance to the point that the only human part of him were his shoulders.

Covenant Invasion of Earth: Cameron

Cameron and his younger brother Daniel were sat on their living room sofa playing Minecraft, when Cameron heard the noise. Cameron slowly got up and approached the door. Opening the door revealed the small, reptilian creature that was stood awaiting its superior. Its tank was weighing it down and so it had a hunched back to the point that the poor thing probably had back ache that was only comparable to the pain that came from the front door smashing into its face, crushing it to be as thin as a piece of paper, crushing whatever amount of brain the thing had.

Covenant Invasion of Earth (Hiatus/Discontinuation)

There may or may not be anymore Covenant Invasion of Earth stuff after the three that will be released at some point into the future when I get around to typing them: The first is called Covenant Invasion of Earth: Cameron, it deleted itself from the blog, I'll put it up again when I retype it; The second is called Covenant Invasion of Earth: Phantom; And third is called Covenant Invasion of Earth: Hunter. Here are links to the first two chapters; Covenant Invasion of Earth: Tom Covenant Invasion of Earth: Jack Just as a reference, all of these chapters take place in Universe 17

Covenant Invasion of Earth: Jack

Jack was busy mowing his lawn when the an alien ship flew to a halt in the sky above him. After witnessing drop pods fall to Earth and strike into various locations around his house, Jack decided to disconnect the blade on the bottom of the lawnmower as a drop pop landed in front of him.