After venturing out into the woods and finding his brother, Cameron brought him back into the house, carefully avoiding the dead aliens by ensuring certain doors were shut. As he was closing the blind he noticed that the alien ship was still floating in the air above the road. Once he got his brother playing the xbox again, Cameron gathered up his weapons and headed outside to ensure that there was nothing remaining on the ship. Using what little strength he had left, he picked up the elite's extremely heavy Plasma Rifle and climbed onto the low hovering ship. Dropping the gun briefly to withdraw his knife, Cameron slit the small Grunt's neck before moving on to the 3 bird-headed freaks. One well placed knife throw resulted in a small explosion of a belt-held Grenade that caused a wave of feathers, flesh and blue blood to splash all over Cameron. The vile smell made him vomit over the side of the ship; just missing his cat who was walking by. Cameron knew that the explo...