Time Trap: Disappear
Tom was sat in his AS Level Maths exam struggling on through the questions that had been set by the exam board when commotion behind him distracted him. His biological dad had run into the room and was arguing with the teachers overseeing the exam. "Tom! You need to hear this!" he yelled across the room much to Tom's disgust. "Something's changed!" That peaked Tom's curiosity but not enough to make him move and throw away his Maths A-Level. One of the year 11s in front of him let off a scream that pieced Tom's ears before adding that her hand had vanished. She turned to Tom and looked him in the eye. "Where is my hand Dad?" she begged as Tom's dad managed to push past the teachers and into the exam hall. Over in the corner Flavio asked, "What is happening Tom? My left arm just faded away..." "Dad, what are you doing?" Tom yelled angrily as his daughter turned slightly transparent. ...