
Showing posts from August, 2015

Ambush Sneak Peak

Ralph was the smartest kid in the class while also holding the ability to get along with everyone he knew. He was of average good-lookingness and a crazy haircut that reminded most people of Ed Sheren. He was a typical kind but extremely naive thirteen year old who had witnessed his fair share of death and blood; the only problem was that he did not remember any of it, like Vicky he had forgotten everything that had made him. He kept his overall personality but lost the events that made him lose his naiveness. While waiting for his best friends, the twins Benjie and Jaso, to arrive, Ralph sat in his room doing his maths. He’d gotten through the majority of it by the time that Benjie and Jaso actually arrived at his house.                 ‘What took you guys so long?’ he asked. ‘It’s been an hour since I called you.’               ...

Power Core Series 4: Space

The Zoombians arrived on Earth prepared for the resistance that the Protectors would produce. Within hours of their arrival they had begun manipulating the Earth’s atmosphere and begun the systematic destruction of any town where protector power signatures had been detected.             “Kyle’s getting tired,” Jack warned Emily as she watched the Zoombian battle group continue towards Newton Abbot. “If he doesn’t have a rest soon then we’ll never get out of here.”             “We stand and fight,” Emily stated simply. “If this town is destroyed then we know that our future will never come to be. And we need that compromise. If we lose we need to ensure we are brought into existence. Tom’s laid the scientific framework, now all that remains is protecting this town.”

Power Core Series 4: Politics

As the Zoombians destroyed the planet, Tom took a small portion of his team to a meeting with President Ray at the White House. Following the disastrous repulsion of the Vintos that had resulted in the destruction of the Spanish and Greek Governments and severally damaged the economy of most of Europe, Tom guessed that Ray would likely try and turn on them in order to prevent a repeat.

Family Reunion: Father, Part 1

With only six surviving threats to the Protectors, Felix and Naomi had begun to work overtime. With the overtime finally paying off once they had located their fathers. Naomi had double, triple and quadruple checked the information to ensure that it was right, unable to believe that the two men would willing be locked up in a mental asylum.             “Well…” Naomi stated calmly. “I guess we’re going to a mental asylum.”             “They belong in a mental asylum,” Felix laughed. “But I can’t believe that either of them would stay there willingly.”             “It’s worth a look,” Naomi shrugged as she scanned back over the map that they used to track their parents’ whereabouts. “They go there and then the trail stops. There is nothing that points to them leaving.”         ...

Family Reunion: Manipulation

The killer that Emma was hunting who had begun to arrange his victims in a strange spiral around London, all leading inwards towards the London Eye where she found him hanging the most recent victim from one of the carriages in the middle of the night.             “Jamie!” she yelled as she approached.             “Hello Emma,” he smiled, turning as the body was elevated from the ground.             “You’re sick,” she snarled, watching as the body rose into the air.             “I know,” he replied calmly. “Now, what do you want?”             “You killed my sister,” she growled furiously. “And then you threw her out like she was trash.”             “...

Hey! New Series!

Hey, new series! This idea kinda popped into my head, and then was just going to be a chapter or two randomly without setting before I decided to turn it into a kinda prequel to “A Past to Remember”’s short two chapter storyline in Universe 08.