Camp Terror Update + Seven Murders Official Synopsis + Other works!
So while on the train back up to Sheffield, I decided to do Camp Terror related stuff and quickly came to the realisation that the actual plot of Camp Terror itself is coming to an end, with the populace of the campsite being liberated from the terrorists who surrounded them. However, there were ideas that materialised themselves for after the series concluded, these idea included the people behind the attack and their reasons for carrying out said attack. Camp Terror will end soon, with its 19 th chapter entitled “Trust”, with a follow up series starting in February, which is currently working under the title of “Falsely Accused”. This will be followed up upon its completion by the series “Justice”. Depending on how the plot of “Falsely Accused” ends up unfolding, a prequel series will either begin being uploaded partway through “Falsely Accused” or alongside “Justice” as it features plot threads which will lose their effectiveness if revealed too early. This prequel series will...