
Showing posts from August, 2014

Power Core Series 2: Millitary

Following the disastrous outcome to their previous mission, the remaining Protectors were recruited by the United States Military to help with the invasion. The Problem? The intelligence community don’t like taking advice from kids. Naomi and her team were deployed into a small American village with a mostly British team as her backup. The two soldiers from the US that were on the team both hated being led by children and were probably the biggest assholes on the planet.

Power Core: Series 2 Starting August 31st

Military is ready, but signal is horrible here, so I'll upload it when I get home on Sunday.

Covenant Invasion of Earth: Crash

Previous Chapters: –  Tom ,  Jack ,  Cameron ,  Phantom ,  Emily ,  Erin ,  Connor ,  Hunter  and  Head The swirling white portal formed quickly on the luscious blue backdrop that was the sky. But that wasn't what got people's attention. No. No where near.

Covenant Invasion of Earth: Head

Previous Chapters: –  Tom ,  Jack ,  Cameron ,  Phantom ,  Emily ,  Erin ,  Connor  and  Hunter During the weeks before the destruction of the Power Core, Tom began to take advance with the original infiltration plan that the Protectors had when they came back in time. This included faking deaths and age altering. However, following the final week the majority of infiltration agents were captured and killed. Darren was one of the lucky ones. Kinda.

Homicide in Humanities

After watching Emma die in front of his eyes, Tom had become distant; barely talking to his friends; tuning out of lessons and most of all he had begun to take his anger and frustration out on innocent bystanders in ways that they did not notice straight away.