Head East When Possible...

The MCRT had headed home to pack for their trip to England while Special Agent Gibbs headed up to the Director's Office in order to get the go ahead in order to travel to England and help the newest member of his team, Tom.

Leon was sat at his desk, filling out various forms for a variety of different reason, including the consent form that give the MCRT the authority to travel to Dorset in Britain and deal with the murder of a young blonde girl on a campsite near the coast.

"I need to go across to Britain to handle a case," Gibbs asked in his 'I'm going anyway' voice.

"Form's already filled out," Leon replied. "And Gibbs, we cannot afford to lose Tom at the moment. He is in too deep with the Terrorist Cell and Felix. Find a way of ensuring this goes down as self-defense."

"Going to be hard, we only have his word for it, that and she didn't belong there, but that is it," Gibbs acknowledged.

"Better get to work then," Leon replied. "And only use conventional techniques, no 'Tom Evidence'. No Self-Respecting Court would accept any of it if they want to stay open.

"What if we do it so that we can keep Tom out of prison for long enough so that we can take down Felix and the Cell," Gibbs decided.

"Last resort only," Leon ordered. Gibbs nodded in agreement and left.

Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Tom was busy trying to think of a way to get the entire incident off of his back. But his mind was a blank.

Tom's Cousin, Connor, was stood by the police tape making every attempt to hold the crowd back as well as bark through to Tom in his despondent state.

Leanne's body laid on the floor, untouched, undisturbed. Her wind pipe crushed, but other than that she was still the beautiful, blonde girl that everyone liked. Past Tense. Everyone liked prior to her losing it and attempting to blow up an entire school.

Something in the back of Tom's head began to turn. A spark in the back of Leanne's head started a chain reaction across her body.


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