
Leanne's body lay in the middle of the road with the medical examiner, Ducky, and his assistant. Ducky did a brief examination but stopped his assistant from finding the time of death because it was already known to the team.
      "So Duck?" Gibbs asked.
      "The way they fight using their powers makes it impossible to tell whether it was self-defense or not due to them not actually entering into anything physical," Ducky explained.
      "He crushed her neck, can't really get any more physical than that," Gibbs replied in his deep calming voice.

DiNozzo and McGee were busy working on the caravan trying to piece together their crime scene.
      "So we have Tom's word, a dead body and a crime scene that was barely touched," DiNozzo listed.
      "Basically," McGee agreed. "It looks as if they avoided hitting anything that could be avoided."
      "Didn't miss the road or the car," Ziva noted from behind McGee, examining the Leanne shaped dent in the side of the car. "He must have thrown her pretty hard to cause this much of an indent."
      "Come on Ziva, we all know that Tom is capable of being ruthless with those who betray him," DiNozzo argued. "After seeing what happened to Leanne I'm wondering if what Parsa said about Tom was true while we had him in custody."
      "What, that I killed Leo?" Tom stated from their right.
      "We meant nothing," McGee started but was cut off by Tom.
      "I did kill Leo, but I had my reasons. We were at war and he was causing a conspiracy that threatened to destroy the team and humanity," Tom interrupted. "But there is something else going on here, and I have to figure out what. So...McGee I need you to come and watch what I do with the computer to ensure that I don't try to do something that may invalidate the investigation."
      "What?" McGee asked.
      "Currently I am in NCIS custody, and I need to continue to run the undercover op I'm on for NCIS as well as deal with the new threat for the Protectors to combat," Tom explained. "And since I'm not supposed to use a computer unless someone else is watching to ensure I don't start doing something that could hinder the investigation like find evidence or compromise evidence."
      "Why do I get the boring jobs?" McGee moaned as the other two began to collect evidence like the rope and knife.
      "Because you're the tech expert," Tom replied with a smirk.

Tom walked into his caravan and got out his laptop and began to engage in dealing with his undercover op to ensure that it was capable of standing up to the utmost scrutiny in court.
      "So what are you doing," McGee asked curiously.
      "Ensuring that if the judge I get is an asshole my undercover op can continue through other Protectors ready to have their ages altered and then be placed into deep undercover assignments within the school," Tom explained.
      "What would the judge do about the op?" McGee asked confused.
      "If he finds out about it and he is in a bad mood then he could shut it down because we are only working the op on British Soil with permission from the Courts. And if he feels that I am not trustworthy then he could either shut down the op or he could shut it down, expose it to the media and release the already arrested terrorist," Tom explained. "He could also argue that my evidence is garbage and completely throw out every case I have ever had to use my evidence in."
      "So?" McGee asked not quite catching on.
      "So, every murder and rapeist we put behind bars will suddenly be able to roam free because of the over reliance on methods that other courts can't duplicate without me," Tom elaborated.


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