2015/16 Announcement (March 2015)

While “Power Core Series 4” was initially slated for release last month, I have found that as I went through the planning phase for it, the number of chapters continued to grow, well past the initial 10 to 16 chapters that I had planned to do.

As such I have decided to not post it until I have finished planning it out in full. As of now there are over 20 chapters planned with one drafted and I’m still no where near an end point. However I can confirm that they will go up at some point in either the spring or summer of this year. And while we are on the topic of what is happening this year: A sequel series to “Three Years Too Early…” is also under works for release on Halloween this year, and I will likely either do another sequel to that either for Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve/Day.

Next year will likely see the start of a new series in Universe 18, following on directly from “NCIS” titled “An Abyss to Hell”, and will be centred around the themes of “The Enemy of my Enemy is defiantly my Enemy” and “Differences make you Stronger”.

“Fast Track” and “Time Trap” will likely not be on a schedule if I begin keeping one again, and will instead be uploaded whenever I do a new chapter or two and more “Camp Terror” will go up later this year.


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