Family Reunion: Realisation

His father’s words hung with him as he tried to move on with his life, however he couldn’t shake the feeling that his dad has been telling the truth that Janet was still alive and in present day, and the fact that Jackie knew she was alive made it even worse.

Not believing Geoff, but unable to forget the words regardless, Tom began to search the data banks for someone called Janet who had no family and whose personal data trail seems to lead to her spontaneous appearance after she was sent back in time.

Whilst searching through the various databases of the world he slowly began to realise that she would have appeared in the same location from which she was originally teleported. Using this he was able to narrow his choices down to three potential candidates. However, taking a leap of faith he settled upon the one candidate who just happened to have mothered his mum’s side of the family.

In order to test his hypothesis, he broke into his cousin’s house and took a sample of her, knowing that since Janet was Naomi’s mum, by the time it had filtered down through the generations, she would have been the first person born into the next generation. After analysis of the blood, he was able to conclude that he had chosen correctly and that his cousin had the ability to control time like he could.


A few days earlier, at exactly the same time as Tom was fighting Geoff, Janet was visiting her eldest daughter’s family. Whilst there she felt the clash of energies that shook the entire universe. This caused her to feel uneasy and sit down. However, she guessed that the worse was yet to come, and when Tom finally overpowered Geoff, she fainted as an entire life's worth of pain and agony suddenly clashed with her.

As she let out a high pitched scream, her family quickly rushed into the room to discover her unconscious on the floor, having slipped off the sofa during her fit of pain.

When she came to, she was laid on the sofa with her daughter looking over her.
'What happened?' her daughter asked.
'Something protected me from pain for the last 70 years,' Janet explained. 'And now it's dead.'
'So why'd you scream out in pain?'
'Because once that protection was gone, I felt every bit of pain that I should've felt over the course of my long life,' Janet explained. 'I think I just need to rest for now.'
'You sure? I can stay out here for a little while longer,' Lin offered
'No, go and finish up tea, I'll be fine,' Janet smiled. Her daughter then got to her feet and headed back into the kitchen while Janet quickly grabbed the laptop and began racing through Facebook in order to try and locate Geoff

Eventually she found him, although she was equally shocked by his presence on the site, the thing that shocked her the most was the fact that that his address corresponded to exactly the same location that he had sent her back in time to. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Due to be engrossed in her work, the knock caused her instincts to kick in and force gale force winds to blow through the street outside, blowing half of the pedestrians off of their feet.

Lin answered the door to Tom, whom at this point had no idea that Janet was also his mother-in-law. Likewise, Janet had no idea that Tom was the child who had just killed Geoff, let alone the same child who she’d believed to have committed suicide before Geoff transported her back in time.

However, she wasn’t slow, and very quickly noted that Tom had disappeared for around the same amount of time that it would have taken to get to Geoff’s house in the woods, kill him and then get back. As he walked past the front room door towards the garden, she caught a glimpse of him and noted various physical attributes that made him appear very similar to Jackie and Geoff, including Geoff’s black hair, Jackie’s green eyes and a certain aura that demanded respect from those around him.

For some reason, these were somethings that she had never noticed about him before, instead she had only seen a young shy boy who did everything to subtract attention from himself, however, now she noticed that he was beginning to merge his identities, with his nerdy self becoming more intimidating and confident.

Nevertheless, she still could not shake the feeling that he was the brother that she believed to have died. Turning back to her laptop she began to search through Tom’s Facebook Profile, as well as a number of other social media sites until she began hacking into the Governmental servers where she found Tom’s true identity buried deep within, along with all of his alias and the family that he had tried to keep hidden.

After figuring out who he was, she was about to tell him when he remember that Jackie had come to kill her a few years earlier, and threatened to kill her if she ever made contact with her children.

            ‘If I go to Tom to take me to the others then she’ll kill me and them,’ she grumbled out loud to herself before turning and sitting down. Whilst sat she made sure to delete her entire search history in order to cover her tracks should anyone ever use the laptop.


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