Covenant Invasion of Earth Series 2: Scarred

Tom had gotten home and gone straight to sleep, his body and mind shattered following the attack on the Covenant ship. Cameron meanwhile was even more broken than he was before, the hallucinations of Flavio had become to come much more frequently, and his depression had begun to take on a much more violent grip upon his body.

Daniel had managed to drag him out of his room, and into the front room; a front room with a rather large wooden bookcase and a hallucinated blonde kid stood in front of it. Cameron turned his attention to the game that he was playing with his brother half-heartedly, half of his attention was focused on the two hallucinations in the room.

Five minutes passed. Then ten. Then thirty.

All the while Cameron’s mind was slowly losing it, further and further until he lost control of his powers and accidently destroyed the electronics inside the controller and causing it to explode. The mini-explosion caught his brother’s attention who turned to see the smouldering ruins of the controller crashed at Cameron’s feet as his hands continued to radiate a dark energy that terrified Daniel.
            “Y…you o…okay?” Daniel stuttered as he tried to move as far away from his brother as possible.

Cameron did not answer. Instead he stood and walked over to the bookcase that Flavio was stood in front of, continually taunting Cameron at his failure to save them, but this caused Cameron to slip further and further from the realm of rational thinking, causing him to grab the bookcase and pull it down to the floor on top of where he saw the hallucination. Surprisingly, the hallucination collapsed to the floor with the bookcase and became a mangled pile of hallucinated flesh and bone.

Suddenly, Cameron to his senses and looked around the room. First he saw the bookcase, then the controller and then finally the terrified look on his brother’s face. “I’m sorry,” he whispered before running from the room and the house and into the woods.


Tom had collapsed almost as soon as he had gotten home, and now he was in a deep slumber where he found himself inside a Covenant ship, only he was invisible to everyone, and he could not influence the outcome of the events that were about to unfold.
            “I forgot about these stupid things,” he snarled as Naomi and Emma suddenly appeared out of the gravity lift and began to use the aliens’ weapons to kill them. Tom looked at them quizzically, wondering why they weren’t using their powers.

Unexpectedly, an elite with a sword appeared out of the gravity lift and stabbed Naomi through the back with it, piercing her heart, killing her almost instantly. Emma turned her two alien rifles and blasted the alien in the face, causing its head to explode. But that manoeuvre took her attention away from the enemies that surrounded her and they suddenly all let rip with everything weapon they had…

Tom screamed out to his unlistening surroundings as Emma fell to the floor, her entire body covered in serve plasma wounds to the point that she didn’t even look human anymore.

Without warning, he woke with a jolt, bolt upright in bed next to Naomi. “You okay?” She murmured, half asleep.
            “Yeah,” he sighed. “Just a nightmare…”
            “You wanted your powers back,” Naomi reminded. “Did you not think this far ahead?”
            “Not at all,” Tom admitted. “I spent so long without them that I forgot quite how extreme they were.”

As Naomi dozed back off, Tom got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen where he was greeted by Connor stood next to the sink. “I am not doing a Cameron,” Tom decided, ignoring the hallucination and pulling a glass out of the cupboard.
            “Why not?” the hallucination asked. “You are stood here making yourself a glass of water after waking up in the middle of the night? Why are you not rescuing me?”
            “Because that takes time and planning,” Tom retorted. “We don’t even know where you are…”
            “Then why sleep? You went the most of your life with as little sleep as you could afford,” Connor explained. “Why is tonight any different? Because you are out of practice in not sleeping all night?”
            “No. I can defiantly stay up all night and try to find you,” Tom snarled.
            “Then why aren’t you?” the hallucination questioned before fading into the darkness.

            “Because…as far as I’m concerned…” Tom started speaking to nothing. “As far as I’m concerned, the apes have already killed you and I’ll be leading the team on a suicide mission to locate dead people…”


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