Covenant Invasion of Earth Series 2: Broken

Cameron was…how to say it…damaged following the attack he had led onto the Vinto ship; the loss of the others had left a part of him broken, especially as he sat around at home doing nothing as his wounds healed.

Daniel, his brother, was sat on the edge of his bed trying to console his brother, trying to repair the unfixable. “You didn’t have a choice,” he explained. “Had you stayed then you would have been captured as well, and then where would we be?”
            “I could’ve helped them,” Cameron sobbed as he stared at his floor, his knees pulled up to his chest.
            “I very much doubt that,” Daniel complained, before realising how harsh the words had sounded. “I mean, had you been captured you wouldn’t have time to heal. We wouldn’t have known you were trapped.”
            “They died Daniel!” Cameron yelled. “Jack blew the engines, I saw the results with my own eyes! He blew up the engine with them all inside.”
            “I have found that it is not quite so easy to kill a Protector,” Daniel smiled at his brother. “Especially with a ship that you detonate. This war is losing soldiers. We already lost most of our most powerful. We need as many of you as possible to ensure that they do not succeed with their invasion. We need someone as powerful as you…we need you.”
            “What can I do if I can’t even save my friends?” Cameron retorted as his vision distorted and Jack was suddenly being taken to the floor by multiple ape-like creatures who began smashing his head against the floor. “I couldn’t protect those that matter to me, why would I be able to protect the planet?”
            “Because the planet is home to the rest,” Daniel replied. “Loads may be dead, but you have to remember that some do remain, and they are the people that will make you strong, they are the people who will have your back no matter what. Don’t get too lost, or we might never see you again,” he added before leaving his brother to sob in peace. “Don’t lose sight of what matters…”


It was a good thing that Tom had managed to hack himself a rather extreme bank account, as he was currently smashing every piece of furniture in his house, all while Ollie begs him to calm down. “Tom!” he cried. “Stop it! You are going to hurt yourself!”
            “I’ve lost too much,” Tom moaned. “I did everything to keep us alive, and instead all I get is my team…my friends…dropping like flies, dying, forgetting, leaving. Everyone I care about die. And all I can do is watch as the aliens cleanse this planet! As they wipe our race off of the Earth. As they destroy everything my friends and family have died for…”
            “Then don’t let them die in vain!” Ollie screamed. “Jack, Flavio and Connor took out one of the biggest ships that the aliens had. Vicky and Leanne took down the entire Vinto race by sacrificing themselves to destroy the Vinto home world before the Vinto even left the damn rock. If you let the Covenant destroy Earth then you risk them dying in vain.”
            “What am I supposed to do then Ollie?” Tom asked sarcastically.
            “Everyone has a role to play. You can control time. You can alter history! You can eradicate them before they even existed!” Ollie exclaimed.
            “And what? Have another set of aliens rise to fill the void? The Covenant exist because we destroyed the others,” Tom countered.
            “Then find the one thing that matters most to them and destroy it,” Ollie stated calmly, almost evilly. “It is far harder to fight when the thing you are fighting for is gone. You suddenly lose that will, that fire, that hope. That is when your opponents can swope in and kill. That is why you should always hope.”
            “And how can I fight knowing that the rest of the team will probably die?”

            “You fight to protect them, you fight to ensure they survive, you give them hope. Give them hope and they will return by winning without dying,” Ollie promised. “Hope is the most important thing anyone can do at a time like this. Hope and you shall prevail; don’t hope and you will fail…”


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