Power Core Series 3: Prison

Having finally figured out where the prison was and gotten to the location, the team were rather pissed off to discover that their teammates had been moved to the execution chambers after their executions were brought forwards due to Tom and the others being on the ship.

However, the execution chamber was much easier to locate as it was essentially just a giant ball in the heart of the ship. The problem was that it was one of the most heavily guard areas of the ship. Around two thousand Vintos surrounded the dome, ready to watch the deaths of the two captors.

Within those two thousand were at least five hundred security and military aliens, all with automatic disintegration weapons. Higher up in the sphere were a series of tilted ledges that gave snipers the ability to hang and see almost the entire sphere while being tied down and not falling to their death.

Tom and the others hid outside one of the smaller back entrances, trying to figure out the best way to rescue Emily and Darren without getting themselves killed in the process.
            “We could ignite the walls? Take out the snipers?” Connie suggested.
            “Darren is not immune to fire,” Tom sighed. “We could try and aim it at the stands specifically.”
            “That rules out removing the air,” Naomi moaned.
            “The room is white,” Jack noted. “I can protect our eyes as well.”
            “What about blinding them and making us invisible?” Tom asked. “Or is that too much?”
            “I can try. But I won’t be able to move while doing it. Otherwise I’ll end up just like Josie.”
            “Okay. Maddi, stay here. Protect Jack. Jack raise the light,” Tom ordered.
            Jack nodded and sat down with his back to the wall before closing his eyes and moving his hands around in front of him as he manipulated the light within the room. Maddi watched on as her friends slowly disappeared from sight.

When Jack’s eyes finally opened, glowing pure white, Tom opened the door and the team snuck in, dispatching the first couple of guards quickly, quietly and efficiently. And then they moved on, quickly realising that their opponents could defiantly not see them. Tom turned to Naomi and mouthed: “Get them out,” before gesturing for the rest of his team to take out the snipers overhead. He meanwhile jumped over the railing and slid down the sphere to where it flattened at the bottom.

Once there, he opened a small hatch and dropped a small device that fell deep into the depth of the ship and began to eat away at the wires and central components to the ships structure. Then he disappeared into a portal that took him to Maddi and Jack.
            “We have about a minute before this place is blown sky high,” Tom promised, opening a second portal which Maddi ran through. Tom meanwhile bent down and picked up the immobile Jack and carried him through the portal as the bottom of the sphere suddenly erupted in flames, swallowing those aliens that stood on the stands.

Once through the other side of the portal, Tom managed to locate where the randomly generated portals created by Naomi and Emma to escape. Once there he found that they had managed to escape unscraped, however, both Darren and Emily had been tortured brutally and were now unable to support their own weight.
            “We’ve got to bring something bigger Tom,” Naomi groaned. “We’re not enough anymore.”
            “There is no one left,” Tom moaned. “Everyone else has a reason to hate me and maybe even kill me.”
            “We are all conditioned to put fighting the aliens before our personal feelings for each other,” Naomi explained. “Of the forty we have left sleeping, surely of that lot there is someone you trust slightly enough to help us repel this thing.”

            “There may be some…” Tom sighed finally as they helped Emily onto the ambulance.


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