Covenant Invasion of Earth: Emily

Emily was out in Adsa with friends when the idiots came running in saying aliens were invading. That was until the small brown alien wandered through the door. Emily's friends wanted to run but the only other door had even more aliens surrounding it.

Taking advantage of being in the perfume isle, Emily grabbed one of the aerosol cans and snuck up the alien before spraying the can in it's face and then proceeding to rip the pipes that led to the creatures face mask.

Emily's face turned to disgust as she was hit with a face full of methane. Instead of running out the now clear door she ran through the hundreds of running adults towards the isle with knifes on them. She grabbed two, one for each hand before migrating slowly back towards the entrance.

She snuck along the end till so that the aliens would not see her. Her friends however were stood behind her trying to get her to come back to them and run. She looked at them and whispered, "I can't help but protecting the people I care about...Its almost second nature."

She swung her fist around the corner into an alien's gas mask. The mask began to leak and the alien began making choking noises that intrigued the bigger aliens. Emily swung out into the open and launched one of her knifes at one of the aliens striking him in between its face mask.

Emily then moved back behind the wall she was hiding behind as the remaining two aliens began to close the distance. She pulled her makeup mirror out of her pocket and used it to see around the corner and when the first of the big aliens approached the corner she jumped out and onto the alien's front before stabbing it in the neck and spinning it around and using it as a body shield.

Emily's arm was beginning to go dead but she knew that she couldn't move as long as the alien behind her was continuing to fire at the dead alien's body continuously.

She eventually begins to say her prayers and begins worrying for the fate of her family and contempts jumping up to end the torture. Just when she was about to commit suicide the body she was holding onto stopped vibrating and the echoing of the gun finally die down.
       "Don't pick fights that you cannot win," came a familiar voice behind her.
       "Tom? What are you doing here?" she asked, turning around and taking his hand to get up.
       "Saving your butt apparently," he laughed. Emily turned to see that the alien had been shot in the check by what she presumed to be another more powerful alien weapon.
       "How?" she pointed.
       "They believe themselves superior and believe that we can't use their weapons..." Tom explained. "Between me, Cameron and Jack we have kinda proved them wrong."

Tom smiled and Emily returned the smile as her friends just stared onwards, as did most of the adults. "You coming?" Tom asked, for once unsure on how she would answer.
       "Where?" Emily asked.
       "To take the fight to them," Tom decided. "We have the means, all we need now is the people..."
       "I'm in, I've always had a thing about killing invading aliens," Emily agreed.
       "I noticed," Tom retorted as they headed out the door before the gravity life of the Phantom pulled them up into the ship.

Before they disappeared into the ship, Emily caught glimpse of another destroyed version of the ship that she was about to get into. And then it was gone and Emily knew that she had just joined the one suicide mission left on the planet.


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