Covenant Invasion of Earth: Hunter

It has been twenty-four hours since the initial alien attacks hit and the phantom was currently hovering over Coombeshead Academy who were incidentally at lunch. While Erin, Connor and Emily had avoided school for the day, Tom, Jack and Cameron had decided that research into the aliens had to be completed at school with their friends.

Flavio Thompson and Sam Pearce had been invited onto Tom's hijacked floating space ship due to it being their job to monitor all other alien activity in the galaxy while Tom and Jack dealt with any problems on the Earth.
"How did we mis this?" Tom yelled, slamming his fists down on the table. "We had everything monitored and yet they were able to just sneak on through."
         "Something fried our systems," Flavio explained desperately. "The entire base short circuited"
         "Any hope of warning was fried when the base lost power," Sam defended himself.
         "I'm not mad at you two," Tom explained. "I just want to know how the hell they were able to get someone to Earth without us noticing it."
         "They could've done it during our gap year," Jack suggested. "We were in complete disarray after we repealed the Zoombians and, thanks to the Zoombians help elsewhere, practically committed genocide against the Vintos."
         "Suddenly all of our technology that had been over taxed during those last few crucial months of the war was broken," Flavio continued.
         "Not to mention we lost Darren, Dylan, Monty and others within that last week," Sam added.
         "And then to add insult to injury, that stupid Zoombian mole detonated the house, destroying everything else we had, included the device that kept us in touch with our powers," Tom finished.
         "And none of us have out powers and the only people capable of building another one are either dead or still missing," Emily stated, passing a tablet to Tom.
         "What the hell is that hulking thing?" Tom snapped.
         "I don't know, but it is below us right now...So how do we fight it?" Emily responded.
         "The same way we dealt with everything else," Tom shrugged.
         "Hide behind a dead body and wait for help?" Emily suggested.
         "Close my eyes and wait to die?" Connor added.
         "No," Tom retorted giving them both a quizzical look. "We use our surroundings."

Tom lowered the ship down slowly towards the alien giving his team time to jump out. He followed suit after swinging his shotgun onto his back and grabbing his knife and jumping out of his ship and onto the green alien.

Around him his team had their weapons at the ready for his signal and were all stationed at various attitudes ready to strike from all angles. Emily was armed with her duel knifes; Erin had a new super sharp blade that Tom kinda regretted giving to her; Jack had stolen a chainsaw; Connor had a makeshift crossbow; Cameron was wielding his kitchen knifes; Flavio had shattered a nearby window and was using the glass shards as weapons; and Sam had managed to pull a plank of wood from one of the nearby benches.

Scanning his surroundings before jumping off of the creature, that for whatever reason was just eyeing up the team, Tom planned where he would jump to once all hell broke loose. Finding the railing nearby to be the perfect spot he drove his knife into the neck of the alien and jumped backwards and perched seamlessly on the curved railing.

Sam was the first to react, swinging his piece of wood down and onto Tom's knife driving it straight into the creature's neck, and while a series of squeaks came from the creature it appeared unaffected. Emily lunged from her window sill and implanted knife through a chink in the back of the armour.

Connor ran at the alien and used the spikes on its back as well as its arm cannon to propel himself over the top of the alien – he flipped in the air and fired the crossbow into the the corner of the back armour. "Jack!" Tom pointed.

Jack understood and ran at the alien with his chainsaw running before ramming it down onto the hinge of the armour plate. As the first half of the plate's hinge snapped, the hunter's green, glowing arm cannon struck Jack in the side and sent him flying.

Emily watched Jack, judged his landing position and then left her position to make an attempt to save Jack from death. She caught him just before his head became impaled on a flagpole. Emily didn't move after catching Jack, instead just held the smaller than average kid in her arms staring into his beautiful, blue eyes.

Meanwhile back with the alien, Cameron and Erin lunged at it from opposite sides, Erin the front, using her nimbleness to avoid the hulking beast's arms; Cameron got the front and dealt with the back half, bringing his biggest kitchen knife to detect the final part of the back plate before burning the knife into its now open back.

Sam saw the opportunity to strike and brought the plank of wood down upon the back of the alien, forcing the knife deeper into it. Flavio threw his glass shard at the alien at the creature's eyes causing the one it came into contact with to shatter.

Swinging his shotgun off of his shoulder after seeing that his team had very few offensive option left, Tom jumped down off of his fence and landed behind the alien, he aimed the gun and fired it causing multiple pellets to strike at close range into the alien's back.

After a loud groan, the alien fell forwards and crashed in front of the others. The thud of the alien was followed by a loud cheer from all of the observing kids of the school.

Half an hour later, after everything had died down, Tom had vanished. Jack grabbed Emily and pulled her to one side as she was about to help with the alien body and kissed her, something an on looking Connor got really pissed off about as she wasn't pulling away. Cameron, on the opposite side of the body grabbed Erin and kissed her. Sam, Flavio and Connor awkwardly moved the body into the ship for disposal.

Meanwhile in the headteacher's office was a 13 year old kid wearing smart black trousers and a hideous green hoodie that was his uniform. The headteacher came into the room jumped back slightly when he saw the kid sat in his chair and then relaxed slightly when he realised who it was before proceeding to shut the door behind him.
         "We have much to discuss," Tom noted as his headteacher sat down opposite him.


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