
After almost being caught out by the Grimms the Tuesday earlier, Tom decided that it was time that he bring in backup; and they had to be those he trusted most. Tom spent the weekend creating fake identities for the five people that he was going to place into the school.
  • Jack was to rejoin the school studying History, German, Biology and Maths.
  • Naomi was to join the school studying Media, English Language, English Literature and History at Newton Abbot College.
  • Emma and Connie were put in in Year 7
  • Maddi was introduced to the school as a Year 11 student who studied Media, History and German.
Tom also played around with their ages a bit so Emma and Connie appeared as twins as opposed to sisters with ten years apart and Maddi was upgraded from being the middle sister to the eldest. Jack's age was brought back down to the age he was when he finished his assignment of going through the main school and Naomi's age was brought down for the first time so that she was the same age as Tom and Jack.

"Remind me why I have to go back to Coombeshead," Jack moaned on his first day of sixth form.
        "Because I need someone that these teachers trust," Tom explained. "Emma and Connie are utilising the fact that they don't know them but they are only entering into the school in Year 7, Naomi was just adopted from Yorkshire –"
        "That explains the accent she's using now then," Jack laughed.
        "Yes, and Maddi is acting as the distraction," Tom finished. "I've had too many close calls I need help just incase they discover my undercover status."
        "I know," Jack grumbled. "But why me, why not Tony or Tim, or even Abby."
        "Tim and Abby are working on the video footage, and Tony is busy interrogating number four," Tom explained when his maths teacher walked into the room.
        "So, everyone here ready to learn about Polynomials?" she asked before spotting Jack. "I thought you left?"
        "So did I," Jack replied glaring at Tom.

Emma and Connie had settled in nicely with their new friends after the move from DC, Naomi had successfully managed to plant even more bugs around the English Room she was in. Maddi was actively trying to pass on subtle hints to the English Department to attempt to get them to slip up.


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