Get to Know... – Darren Jenkins of Universe 01

Darren is the gravity controlling genius of the team, with his intelligence far surpassing anyone who has ever lived anywhere. While many of his friends have been slaughtered, gone through meltdowns or massive personality shifts, he still remains the same overly mature man that he was during his youth.

This is Darren Jenkins’s “Get to Know…”. Enjoy.

Darren was born on the 26th of January 2972 and for the first eight years of her life he was the most intelligent of the children, although this intelligence came with great ignorance, as such he failed to see what was truly happening around him as Tom, Jack and Emily left, Jamie was shipped off to Australian, and his other brother also called Jamie was put into isolation following his mass duplication session left him insane.

This left Darren with Ed, the brother he had gotten on least with, and without Tom or Jamie as his permanent conscience, Darren began building more and more dangerous devices until the point where he had created a penny that could destroy an entire alien armada. This weapon was never put to use however, as Tom returned shortly thereafter and  used mathematical equations to explain to Darren that the device could potentially destroy much of the planet’s surface along with the armada.

However, after Tom returned and explained each of Darren’s inventions full capabilities. It was here that he realised that his inventions would cause great harm if used and set about ensuring that he did not create anymore weapons that could have catastrophic consequences for anyone who was not the intended target.

To meet this end he stopped sleeping for seven days and instead concentrated on the calculations, blueprints and simulations of everything that he had created before comparing them to all of the inventions. This led nowhere and Tom quickly came to the realisation that Darren was basically going insane as he tried to find the mathematical reason for the different in design.

Tom took him a side on the seventh day and explained to him that the difference between their inventions is that one is from someone who is super intelligent but builds what he thinks, without thinking it through, while the other looks at the past mistakes of everyone and thinks through his inventions before planning and building.

Although the only sentence Darren took from this was:

The Maths is the same, the theories are the same, the thought process beforehand is what is different.

And Darren took that into consideration and found himself concentrating less on weapons and more on the other areas of science to try and develop the team’s ability to handle anything.

After this he continued on with his ordinary life, aiding in missions both back at head quarters and in the field, this kept up until the Australians invaded, led by Jamie. This caused a mix of emotions to swell up in Darren, which was odd because he rarely felt anything.

However, he successfully managed to repel the Australians that attacked his lab and in doing so discovered the means to successfully create clones of living people that could live a separate life rather than remerging with the host a couple of days later, which all previous attempts had led to.

In the past, he landed on February 1, 1997, a few days after his brother Tom crashed the Time Machine into the time period. From here he went into an orphanage with Ed and Jamie the duplicator. However, the three brothers staying together did not last long as Darren was quickly adopted by a wealthy family who saw his intelligence as a great aspect for a potential child of theirs to have, even if it did come alongside behavioural problems.

He rejoined the Protectors when he began to act up in school due to flashes and dreams of his past which eventually caused him to be expelled from two private schools, his parents thus believed the best course of action would be to stop paying out for a full year’s worth of education and him only getting some of it, and instead put him in public school.

The public school he was sent to was Bradley Barton, where he met Tom again, and he instantly recognised him from the visions that he had been having of his past, unfortunately, Tom was in the middle of a power struggle with Leanne, as such before Darren was fully awakened to his past he was taken by Leanne who used him a leverage for a week, holding him hostage before Tom eventually managed to save him and awaken his former self.

Following this Darren remained a major part of the team, both technologically and fighting wise. He was also one of two people that Tom chose to take back to the future to retrieve the materials necessary to rescue Jamie and Kyle from their comas.

The resulting mission tore open a wound in the fabric of the time stream as Darren was shot in the centre of his head and then rescued simultaneously by Tom and Jack, causing the Universe to lash out as it tried to repair the paradox created.

Darren is a main character in “The Beginning” and “Hell on Earth” and a recurring character in “Betrayal”, “Strike the Heart” and “Ashes”.


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