Get to Know... – Leanne Jackson of Universe 01

Leanne is a damaged young women who has under gone many shifts in life: from killing her father to a caring mother who loses her son which causes her to almost attempt suicide and then to the angry and damaged person who hates Tom for saving her life.

This is Leanne Jackson’s “Get to Know…”. Enjoy.

Leanne was born on the 21st of August 2974 and for the first six years of her life she was like the rest of her generation of Protectors, obedient mindless drones who did what they were told by the people who knew how to survive. However, this caused a rather tenuous relationship with her sisters Vicky and Emily.

Vicky did not wish to fight and would do all she could to ensure that she was not pulled into the missions, which often left Leanne and her survival complex being chosen for missions that were suited for Vicky rather than her.

Emily on the other hand did want to fight, but she did not want to follow what the adults said word for word. Again this led to Leanne taking up even more missions as the adults of the team deemed Emily to unsafe to allow into the field. This relationship was only further strained when Emily ran away with Tom and Jack to try and bring Geoff down.

However, upon being sent, unknowingly, to kill Tom, Emily and Jack she began to realise that perhaps the adults were not the right people to be following, especially after John discovered his Unique Ability following an explosion. This mistrust began to grow as she watched the adults try to hide John’s power from the kids, deeming it to be unsafe to their power if the full extent of their powers were revealed.

As she snuck around trying to figure out the reasoning behind Geoff’s decision to hide John’s power, she began to develop her more sneaky side as well as her ability to control electricity, which slowly grew to the point that she singlehandedly brought a Zoombian cruiser crashing to the ground with a short EMP.

While she initially sided with Geoff during Tom’s attack to retake the team, she quickly came to realise that the people she trusted most were corrupted and had in fact driven the rebels away. She turned sides when her father went after Emily; in order to protect her sister she sent a powerful current of electricity coursing through her father’s body in order to protect her sister, seemingly killing him.

Following this she couldn’t bare to look at anyone she knew, so she went on the run, taking out Zoombian encampments and ships as she went. Three months later and she was found by Naomi while trying to drain the electricity of a Zoombian power plant in the US.

During the ensuing argument, it is revealed that Leanne is suffering from recurring nightmares of her killing her father. However, Naomi manages to convince her to return, after which she rejoined the team in a much more prominent role, using her new stealth tactics to get her farther into enemy territory where her EMPs could cause the greatest amount of damage.

Six years following his liberating of the Protectors from his father, Tom began to realise that Leanne was far more broken than he initially believed, as such he took her deep into the prison and asked her why she thought she didn’t get her dad’s power over death. When she replied that she hadn’t even thought about it, he opened the door to reveal to her that he had managed to save her father’s life shortly after she ran; this revelation caused her nightmares to become a lot less violent and far more infrequent.

In her late teens, she developed a relationship with Hulo, and they had a son together who was born in 2993. Her son inherited both hers and Hulo’s powers, electricity and shadows. However he perished in June of 3000 during the Australian attack on Coombeshead.

The death of her son sent her into a depression that led all the way up to the retreat, causing Tom to force her into a coma for the week before the retreat to ensure that she did not embark on the suicide mission that she had planned for herself.

She landed in the present day on 6th of November 1998 alongside Josie. Here she lived a normal life until 2004 when she stumbled upon Tom’s secret base underneath the primary school which brought everything flooding back. As she burst out in tears over the loss of her son as all of the emotions came back to her, she released a series of electrical disruptions that caused Tom to disappear from the school as he realised what was likely to happen next.

Leanne is a main character in “The Beginning” and “Hell on Earth” and a recurring character in “Betrayal”, “Strike the Heart”, “Ashes” and “2861”.


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