Six Alien Ships: Death In Law
High above Moscow, a Vinto ship hung unable to
reconstruct their cloaking systems in order to hide themselves from prying eyes
below. Unfortunately for them, Naomi had already seen them and located the
means of getting on board, even if said means weren’t the easiest of things to acquire.
However, the Russian air force were not expecting
a thirteen year old girl to walk casually up to the front of the base and
completely annihilate the initial set of guards and leave the second lot
unconscious along the sides of the road up to the runways. Hearing of the
attack at the front of the base, but not that it was only one small girl, a
couple of soldiers ran for their Mikoyan MiG-29 craft and took off before
circling back and travelling straight for Naomi’s location.
However, they both hesitated when they saw that
the attack was just a small girl. This hesitation cost their lives to meet a
fiery death as Naomi manipulated the air currents around them and pulled the
pair down from the sky.
Following the deaths of the pair, Naomi looked
down at her hands and thought to herself, What
am I doing? We don’t kill humans, only Geoff and Jackie kill humans…
Looking off to the east, she saw the Vinto ship partially cloaked and seemingly
firing off a barrage of plasma that struck down a number of Russian jets.
Realising the urgency of the situation, she rushed to the runway to find one
final fighter jet that had yet to be taken.
Once inside, she quickly sussed out the majority
of the controls and used the air currents to make up for her lack of training.
As she sped towards the city, time appeared to slow down around her while she
tested out the various switches and toggles on the console. After finding the
switch that allowed her to fire missiles at the enemy defence ships, time from
her perspective returned to normal.
She quickly arrived at the ship and began
spiralling through the plasma and headed straight for the docking bay, which
shocked almost everyone watching, including the other pilots from the few
remaining Russian jets.
Meanwhile, inside the mothership’s defence room,
Joshua was overseeing the defence when he noticed Naomi’s considerable skill as
well as her usually young age.
‘Launch the pods,’ he
ordered. ‘Take her down before she can get on board.’
‘Understood,’ replied
one of the men sat in front of him who repeated the instructions over the Vinto
communication channels.
Naomi watched as the enemy pods launched and
chuckled slightly as she took out the first couple of pods before they had even
left the perimeter of the mothership. However, there were too many of them for
that to be a valid solution once the first couple had been eliminated so she
had her jet fly directly upwards before falling backwards and firing straight
downwards into the enemy pods as they followed her up into the air.
Whilst doing this, she smashed the cover of the
pilot seat on her jet and then jumped out as she passed by one of the pods.
While falling, she used her telekinesis to throw her jet into one of the pods
while she smashed through the glass window of the pod that she landed on,
before grabbing the pilot and throwing him out into the air to fall to his
death. She then let out one powerful burst of turbulence that sent every
aircraft in the sky crashing down to the ground. Well all but her pod and the
mothership. Using the small increment of time where there were no aircraft in
the sky, Naomi swung around and managed to pass herself off as a Vinto for long
enough to dock and get on board, using the sudden destruction of the other
ships as evidence that she had died. Liking it to what happened on the ship
above Washington when Josh queried her identity.
Once she had walked off the pod however, it became
painfully obvious that she would be fighting her way to the engine room after
as Josh instantly recognised her because of her freakishly white hair.
‘Well I’d hoped that
would work,’ she sighed before forcing a single gust of wind through the
corridor, knocking Josh and his team backwards and giving her enough cover to
move away from the one place where she would probably lose.
She didn’t get too far before she had to fight a
couple of Vintos. Before she moved to attack she noticed that the two were
shaking. ‘You okay?’ she asked sarcastically as she let a small breeze brush
past their legs. ‘You look a little terrified.’
The pair flinched at the breeze but managed to
ready their guns, aiming them straight for her head. ‘We are not terrified,’
the more confident of the two announced. ‘You are of a lesser kind, weaker and
inferior to us.’
‘But I’m part you,’
Naomi smiled slyly as she began to form small air bubbles around their heads.
‘Don’t forget to breath.’
the second Vinto asked suspiciously as his partner fell to the floor, seemingly
‘We’re better than you,
no matter how much you believe otherwise,’ Naomi smirked. ‘Humans are always
better, because we feel. So do the Zoombians. So I’m going to leave you with a
small bit of advice: Quit and go and live somewhere far away from the war. They
will leave you alone.’
‘We were raised not to
abandon our kind. You won’t talk us down that easily,’ the first Vinto replied.
‘Then this is on your heads,’
Naomi sighed as she pulled the soldiers’ guns from their hands and positioned
them to fire at their heads. ‘Last
chance,’ Naomi stated solemnly, the pair stood firm, unmoving and accepting of
their deaths. ‘Sorry,’ Naomi responded, her voice steady and emotionless as she
willed the two triggers to pull. The two soldiers disintegrated into dust
before Naomi silently moved on.
As she moved on through the ship she encountered
further Vinto, all of whom entered into a simple shoot first ask questions later.
Unfortunately, this proved to be futile as Naomi simple took control of their
bullets and launched them back at her.
Once she made it to the engine room, she began
uploading the computer virus that Tom had supplied which quickly began to
butcher the entire Vinto system while also causing the engines to began forcing
the ship’s fuel into the engine, causing it to all burn faster than the coolant
could keep up with.
As she turned to escape the ship she came face to
face with a face so evil that it sent a chill down her back.
‘Hello Naomi,’ Jamie
smiled slyly.
‘What are you doing
here Jamie,’ Naomi snarled as she pulled one of the Vinto rifles from the
corridor to her.
‘What? You think that
will do something to me?’ Jamie laughed.
‘Absolutely,’ Naomi
responded calmly as she gently tapped the trigger.
Before the bullets could strike their target, Jamie
had dropped to the floor and knocked Naomi’s legs out causing her to fall to
the floor and smash her head on the floor.
‘You seem to forget,’
Jamie smiled. ‘I took some of Tom’s pathetic little human brother’s blood,
which means I took Tom’s powers as well.’
Putting her hand into the air, Naomi threw Jamie
backwards with a gust of air before struggling to her feet and readying herself
for Jamie’s counterattack. Unfortunately for her, he used his superspeed to smash
her into the console before speeding away with her in tow. As he ran he jumped
into the same attack ship that Naomi had hijacked during her fight to get on
board before disconnecting it from the mothership and turning it around, escaping
from the base of the larger ship just as the engine erupted in an explosion of
superheated blue fire.
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