Covenant Invasion of Earth Series 1: Barely...
Away from the confusion dynamics of doppelgangers, Jack,
Connor, Flavio and Cameron had managed to infiltrate an average sized Covenant
ship high above Plymouth. They had been in there for four hours.
Flavio had been unconscious for three…
“Well. This is going well,” Jack moaned quietly as
they found a small respite within a kind of closet.
was your idea,” Connor snapped.
never expected you to go along with it,” Jack retorted. “This was basic
is suicide!” Connor exclaimed.
will be if you two don’t shut up,” Cameron snarled, his shoulder aching. “We
need to either find a way to the engine room or find a way off.”
vote second option,” Jack decided. “We can’t set the ship to destroy itself
while dragging Flav along behind us.”
we get out dragging him along?” Connor questioned.
going to have to,” Cameron shrugged. “Which of you two are going to carry him?”
not you?” Connor pushed.
of the plasma wound,” Cameron pointed. “You know the attack that rendered
blondie unconscious. I got shot.”
then. I will,” Jack nodded. Connor quickly helped get Flavio onto Jack’s back
before he exited the closet and took out the nearest aliens before gesturing
for his friends to follow.
They exited quickly, Jack leaving one of his two
weapons behind since he now lacked a spare hand. Cameron meanwhile wielded a
makeshift sword in one hand and a rather large metal pole that could be used to
put a dent in, well…anything.
Connor, however, preferred to keep his enemies
closer to him and wielded two extremely sharp kitchen knifes. They didn’t help
too much against the aliens’ armour.
Flipping over a weapons crate, Connor landed on an
ape creature’s shoulders and thrust his knife into the eye holes of the beast’s
helmet while Cameron meanwhile dealt with the smaller, much less lethal methane breathing monsters.
numbers are increasing,” Jack noticed.
they are beginning to become more aware,” Cameron noted holding onto his
shoulder which was smouldering a unhealthy, radioactive green colour.
want to ware us down slowly, that way by the time we go to escape we’ll be too
weak to fight back against their strongest,” Connor guessed. “They want us to
fight and kill. These aliens are simply lambs raised to a slaughter. They just
don’t know it.”
overestimate us,” Cameron laughed. “There is no way we’re making it to the
escape pods.”
Jack suggested. “They’re closer, and possibly a lot less guarded. After all we
are just kids with no experience with flying alien space craft.”
what about –” Cameron started to argue before catching Jack’s wink.
they don’t know can’t hurt us,” Jack explained. “Especially that.”
way then boss?” Connor joked.
way we already know,” Jack laughed before adding due to confused faces. “Through
the walls and ventilation systems.”
something,” Cameron pointed. “We can’t drag him through the vents.”
we take the long way around,” Jack decided.
And that is what they did. They fought and fought
and fought, taking down squad after squad. But that took its toll, and gradually,
they lost the ability to fight, the will to fight, and probably the worse of
all, they lost all hope of achieving their goal of escape.
By the time they made it to the hangar…they were
beaten: Cameron had lost all use of his left arm; Jack barely clung to Flavio
and had lost his sword in the middle of a skirmish when his wrist was grabbed
by a brute; Flavio was still unconscious, but barely so, the poor child was
almost dead; and Connor. Poor, poor Connor, he now limped onwards with no
feeling in his right foot, or knee, or stomach. Basically he had been hit with
a number of plasma pistol and rifle rounds. He was barely walking by this
point, regularly tripping, stumbling, falling; pretty much anything that would
have made him an easy target.
On a somewhat brighter note, Jack’s theory of the
hangar being pretty much empty was correct, albeit slightly too correct.
The hangar was almost completely de-voided of
everything. There remained one Banshee, which had the general capacity of one.
can’t go back now,” Cameron winced as his shoulder flared up for the five hundredth
time in the last three minutes.
Jack ordered. “You are more valuable than all three of us if Tom can indeed fix
our powers.”
right. You are the strongest of everyone, but maybe Tom,” Connor agreed. “You
are the one to escape back to the ground. You are the one who has the power to
save us.”
yet I don’t,” Cameron warned. “And until then Jack is easily the better
if Tom does fix our powers? The best I can do is blind both teams and hope for
the best!” Jack countered. “You are not that bad. You have managed to take out
more enemies than both of us, even with your shoulder in its current state.”
Connor ordered as the door to the hangar opened. “We’ll be fine. We’re better
to them alive.”
Cameron decided as fifteen or so elites ran into the room prompting Jack to
push Cameron into the Banshee.
The sudden force of Cameron landing in the small
personal aircraft caused it to roll off of the ledge before falling through the
hole in the bottom of the hangar causing Cameron to suddenly have to adjust to
the ship and begin flying it away without being shot out of the sky by the anti-aircraft
Meanwhile back on the ship, Connor nodded to Jack
who took a leap of faith and jumped across from one platform to another nearby
one, allowing him to escape to another entrance while Connor and Flavio were
taken prisoner.
Cameron eventually managed shake his aerial pursuers
and found a safe place to land. He looked up to see the alien ship suddenly
just exploding in a mix of blue, purple and a little bit of yellow. A wave of
dread and sorrow swept over him as the belief that all three of his teammates
had just perished in one swift move.
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