Three Years Too Early...: Classroom Experience

Tom’s classroom was, not surprisingly, far less creepy and eerie during the day when it was filled with its class. And the fact that it was horrible, shabby room and the air radiated with a feeling of damp and wet, basically telling everyone it will rain at some point or another.

Tom was sat at the back of the room, where he had managed to place himself, on top of his tray and next to the table where his friends sat. It also just happened that he was next to the window that gave him the quickest escape.

At the front of the class, the teacher was babbling on about why language was important in the growing world. He was new to the world of teaching and failed to pick up on how uninterested the class actually was.

Blue, Tom’s attention turned to the blue corridor that gave entrance into the room, and for some reason it grabbed his attention away from his doodles, but before he could over analysis it, he made himself stop, reminding himself that he had relinquished his past.

Then the door swung open violently…

Naomi quickly rushed through the door, panting like a hot dog. Tom looked up briefly, took note of who she was before quickly returning to his doodles which were very quickly taking on the image of a person. No. No. No. he panicked. I can’t go back to that nightmare.
            “Can I help you?” the teacher asked the twenty six year old women.
            “Yeah, I’m looking for Tom…” she trailed off as she tried to remember the surname written on the book she’d seen the night before. “Cane. It is extremely important, like life or death important.
            “Sorry, but I don’t recognise you and you weren’t escorted here by a member of staff, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” the teacher replied as Tom began using both his hands to draw the doodle.
            “I need to warn him of what is happening,” Naomi explained desperately. “If he doesn’t know then the person who is trying to kill him will be able to with ease.”
            “What?” the teacher laughed as he approached the women. “He’s a nine year old boy. Why would someone want to kill him.”
            “Because they tried to when he was eight and failed,” Naomi responded. “And right now he is the only one who can stop him.”
            “Sorry. Not gonna happen. Now get out,” the teacher shrugged as he took another step closer to her.
            “Mr Hankins. I’ve got a note for Tom,” came a young, extremely familiar voice from behind Naomi.
            “Thank you Emma,” he replied, taking the piece of paper from the girl. “Now go back to class.”
            “You know, you shouldn’t dismiss the impossible so easily. You never know, it may just save your life,” Emma imputed before turning and leaving.
            “Stay put,” he snarled at Naomi before walking across the room and handing the note to Tom who had by now managed to completely cover an A4 sheet of paper with an image that seemed both foreign and familiar to him. “That’s some skill there Tom, you ever thought about putting that much effort into your Art work?”

            “I don’t think I would be able to if I tried,” he gasped in reply before taking the note from his teacher’s hand.


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