NCIS: Chrono Collision

Having stopped Druiff from releasing her devastatingly powerful explosives into the world, Tom and Emma returned to the NCIS Field Office and began placing the newly discovered information onto the wall that included pictures of each terrorist, Parsa, his wife, Felix, Penny and Faye; although the latter four had been crossed off following their deaths or imprisonment.

            “Parsa’s playing desperate,” McGee noted. “He’s throwing everything at us to see what works.”
            “I interacted with him for years while I was at the NSA,” Bishop rejected. “He doesn’t do desperate.”
            “Oh he’s desperate,” Tom smiled as he saw the pattern emerge from the display. “I’ve only seen him like this once before. As the team caved in around him as people chose sides, as everyone turned on each other.”
            “How desperate is he?” Gibbs asked. “Desperate enough to instruct the teachers to blow up the town?”
            “He just tried to blow up Europe…” Emma sighed. “He isn’t done, that was only the beginning.”
            “You back someone into a corner, normally they don’t like it,” Tom explained. “The destroy Europe plan wasn’t him being desperate, but it failing is causing his entire world to shake a part as various cells begin to doubt him and cut of ties; and the further he falls into desperation, the more they shut of ties and the more he falls. And then he strikes at the heart of the problem.”
            “You,” Bishop noted.
            “Guess it was only a matter of time…” Tom smirked. “This could go either way…If it does go his way then I need you to promise me to take out that cell before they destroy the school.”
            “What could go either way, Tom?” Gibbs questioned.
            “The fight to the death. One of us will die today,” Tom announced.
            “I am not sitting this one out,” Emma warned.
            “I know you’re not,” Tom smiled sweetly. “That is my only advantage.”

Once outside, Tom had Emma suddenly cause a huge bank of rain clouds to float in before causing an actual downpour that cleared most of the civilians off of the street. Then he readied himself for the fight that was fast approaching.
            “Stay out of sight until I say,” he ordered. “I need him to believe I am alone if he is to let his guard down.”
            “What if he is about to kill you?”
            “Then you react and give me a chance to catch my breath,” Tom explained. “And don’t lose the syringe. That is the most important part of this fight.”

While Emma found a space to hide, Tom walked out into the middle of the street and stood under a shop stall until his father suddenly flew in from above and landed down the street from him. The NCIS team looked on as the rain battered the street below.

Without saying a word, Tom formed his sword in one hand and a ball of energy in the other while Parsa did the same. Still without speaking, Tom and Geoff suddenly took of running in opposite directions. As the approached each other Tom initiated his superspeed and formed a small force field around him allowing him to strike his father with much more force than his father hit him with, thus sending his father flying backwards, straight into the clocktower.

His father climbed out of the rubble with two columns of fire melting the insides of the shops to his left and right before he swung them around and directed them at Tom who quickly formed a force field in order to take most of the blast, however, after the fire subsided, Tom dissolved the force fields to reveal that his hands had indeed taken some of the heat as they were burnt into non-recognition.

Thinking far quicker than he had ever done before, Tom altered his age and thus his appearance to remove the burns on his hands before taking control of the rain and commanding it to direct large columns of water straight into Geoff who very quickly caused the earth to rise up around him and form a protective shield over his head.

The constant back and fourth continued for five minutes as they both tried to use everything they had access to. But neither of them budged an inch, and now they stood panting, out of breath due to the back and fourth.
            “This ends, one way or the other, this ends today,” Parsa called down the street. “One of us dies. It’s just a matter of who falls first.”

Lacking most of his energy, Tom decided to stop using everything else that he had access to and instead simply just utilise what he had been born with. He formed a sword and ball of temporal energy and began to walk forwards slowly. Uneased by this, his father brought his sword up to the ready and formed a small ball of energy, reading himself for the impending attack.

Without warning they both lost control over their arms and threw the two balls of energy directly at each other, which were all promptly joined by a third coming from Emma’s hiding spot. The three balls of energy collided in the middle of the street and exploded in a beautiful display of light and destruction before it was all sucked straight into the ground by a previously unseen device.

While Parsa was confused Emma moved up behind him and injected him with the liquid that was inside the syringe. “No! Emma!” Tom yelled as he realised what the device was. “Don’t do it!”

But it was too late, the antidote to the Protectors’ powers began circulating Parsa’s body, disconnecting his DNA from his powers and causing them to begin bubbling off in a cloud of gas which hovered above his body while he lay on the floor, cowering as he became unable to move his own limbs without great amounts of pain.

Tom took of running to try and destroy the powers before they to, could be absorbed by the strange device. But even with his superspeed, he was too slow. The gas sped towards the device before disappearing upon contact.
            “We may have just screwed the world over,” Tom sighed as he approached his daughter and whimpering father.
            “That device…” Emma started. “It is related to the strange device under Coombeshead…right?”
            “I think so,” Tom groaned. “And I think we may have just given it all the power it needs to power up…”


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